On Thu, 1 Apr 2004 12:16:30 -0600, Alan Russell wrote:

>No offense taken.  I am developing this project myself (trying to learn as
>much as I can).  I posted this comment because I set up freeradius with
>PEAP-TLS on a wireless network.  I then connected one computer with ethernet
>to the same network.  I ran ethereal to examine packets on the network and
>when I authenticate with the wireless notebook (Win XP sp1) I can see the
>username but not the password.  However, after authentication, traffic on
>the network that is going to and from the wireless notebook is not
>encrypted.  This is why I was wondering if all traffic is supposed to be
>encrypted or only the password info during authentication.
If I understand what you saying then this is a complete lack of understanding
of basic wireless principles on your part and has NOTHING to do with any
RADIUS product. 

The encryption, if used, is between the AP and the wireless card. If your sniffing
on a wire after the wireless receiving end of course its plain text.  The packets are
encrypted in the  AIR once they are on the wire in most circumstances its plain
text. Get a wireless sniffer and you will see. 

If this is not what you are describing please clarify.

 Chris Blanchard                                                       
Think of it as evolution in action        
                   -Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle   

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