If you are in production use the latest stable version, but if your are just testing and learning the programmers and the rest of us freeradius users would like the latest CVS so bug fixes and other issues can corrected. This helps make freeradius "killer"
But if you are a debian user you can opt for a previous packaged version.
somehow you can really fall in love with debians apt get install and upgrade.Debian takes pride in stability so you get what has been already tested and suitable

I guess it really depends, What you would like to use it for? I have started around .0.7.1 and am running .0.9.3 all versions did what I asked it to do.Because I am in production I use the most recent stable version, but during the winter when I have time...I love to play with the CVS's too or just even watch the development and issues mature on the list.

You want to know my experience?
1.You will never find a better radius server at this price.
2.If you really read and understand the documentation first, all of us list users and mostly the programmers will help you.
3.Think before you ask, this list can be Killer Brutal to people who expect someone to do it for them(buy commercial support if you expect this)
Do not ask a lame question that is covered in the config files, or reply in a rude manner.
I have seen a list user verbally attack a programmer, this user was a highly educated idiot, and the rest of us did not appreciate this attack.
After all these programmers donate time to help us, if they quit how can we move forward ?

Do not be intimidated by freeradius, you will be up and running in no time.
Just get your tar file installed and read all the config files ( its not the A-Z Encyclopedia Britannica and is quite small as config files go :)
I hope this helps you.

freeradius RULZ !

----- Original Message -----
From: "Milver S. Nisay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: Better version

> > www.freeradius.org !
> > Thanx, but I want know your exeperience!

use the latest CVS

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