i wonder if any of the developers or other users may shed some light on this

as i mentioned recently i'm benchmakring and characterising freeradius and
radiator  - primarily for capacity planning, and being aware of "unusual"

i've written some code which send radius requests to a sever (auth|acct) and
does so an an increasing rate, with the rate going up in steps. that is, the
request rate increases in steps. the testing client is threaded to ensure
that a slow responce doesn't throw off the client and maintains the request
rate. (i know people argue about the benefit of threading on single-cpu
systems, but it works for me, i am able to load radiator much more with
increasing numbers of client threads). 

with radiator, the plots of responce time against wall-clock time or request
rate follows a common and understandable form - roughly constant for low
rates, then climbs to a plateau, probably as the input queue fills up. i've
done quiote thorough testing with radiator (eg. remove hooks to te see
effect of user supplied hooks, yusing multiple hosts, affect of proxy
latency, etc etc).

now I'm looking at radius 0.9.3. the inital work shows plots which are not
intuitive. simply, they are ZIG-ZAG! that is, for very low request rates,
the reponse time is roughly constant but then the responce time will
occasionally jump (not climb) to a very high value (eg 5 secs) and the
subsequent queries then take a long time, bit with progressively smaller
times... as if the server is recovering from the jump... 

puzzling is that there is no "climb" - there jumps are discontinuities. more
puzzling is that subsequent queries should be affected by this (i'm using
multiple client hosts, and still see the affects to it is not a client

my initial impressions are that - although freeradius is quicker than
radiator, it is more "brittle" - the responce graohs are more erratic with
much more single "long time responses" even at low request rates... whereas
the radiator is much smoother and predictable. this is not a troll, i'm
genuinely interested in why this may be and how we can fix it?

the configuration i'm using is simply the supplied radiusd.conf, with
sections commented out so that authentication occurs from an LDAP server. i
have also changed the cleanup-delay to 0 - to ensure that there is no
caching of the same request-responce in the server, although the same
behaviour is observed with the default 5secs. 

from a service provision point of view, there is an argument for a more
predictable smoother server, because if its too slow, you can throw better
hardware at it, and still keep the reassuringly smooth characteristics. 

for your interest: the base (at low requests rates, ie no stress) response
rate of radiator is 0.075 seconds, compared with 0.0007s (with some ghosing
at 0.01), on the same hardware. 


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