On Thu, May 27, 2004 at 01:55:52PM -0400, Alan DeKok wrote:
>   If that doesn't work, then I think there's something wrong with your
>   local install.  Try it on another machine, and see if it's any
>   better.

I have, in fact. You're not going to like the answer - it seems that
current rlm_mschap isn't endian-clean.

I've emptied all of the conf to have only PAP/CHAP/MSCHAP autorization
and cleartext user/password pair in users file.
I've tried again on that machine (Compaq Alpha DS10 with Linux 2.4.26)
with no luck. I've copied that *exact* configuration on two other
x86-based machines with same 0.9.3 Debian packages - and all works
there. I've copied again that configuration on another Alpha-based
server (an older DEC Alphastation 2/2100) and *surprise* it isn't
working there. Since I've tried both CVS and 0.9.3 versions with no
luck, seems that's either something to do with kernel (which I doubt,
since I've turned off all protection for freeradius, just in case) or
code or SSL functions you're using (SHA1 encryption, if I'm correct).

|  |--.----.-----. Dinko 'kreator' Korunic       #include <stddisclaimer.h>
|    <|   _|  -__| http://www.srce.hr/~kreator/ | http://kre.deviantart.com
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