On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 05:36:39PM -0700, Matthew Albright wrote:
> I'm attempting to compile freeradius-1.0.0-pre1, and I'm having
> problems building rlm_eap_ttls.  I've narrowed it down to the linking
> stage, and libtool translating "./../rlm_eap_tls/rlm_eap_tls.la" into
> "-lrlm_eap_tls" when it is passed to gcc.  The linker can't find this
> lib, and croaks.  If I simply delete the rlm_eap_tls.la part from the
> libtool command, the command finishes without errors, but I suspect
> that when I actually try to run any ttls stuff, it'll probably die
> with a load error.

> I'm doing this on a RedHat 8.0 box, underneath an rpmbuild command, if
> that matters.  I don't think it does, cause the rpm gets built
> successfully, but it's missing the rlm_eap_ttls libraries.

This is bug 75 in the FreeRADIUS bugzilla at bugs.freeradius.org.

Removing the rlm_eap_ttls.la from the Makefile should work, unless
you're using an upstream CVS version of libltdl.

You'll hit a similar problem with rlm_eap_peap, too, with the same

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, on an alternate email client.

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