Hi all !

I'm new to the radius world, and I have found that freeradius is most suited
for our needs.

I've successfully configured and compiled the distro (1.0.0-pre1) uner Mac
OS X Server 10.3.x using the doc/MACOSX and
http://www.frontios.com/freeradius.html instructions to get it to work with

All of this is working properly when I run it in debug mode (-X). But when I
try to run the in default daemon mode (ie. no options), I get :

Error: FATAL: Failed to initialize semaphore: Function not implemented

In my log.

I've found reference to libsem in the mailing list, I've installed the
library found in the contrib ftp directory. But after re-compiling the
distro, it's still the same.

How do I make freeradius to compile with libsem ? Or how do I correct this ?

Thanks for any help.


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