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I run sparc 64 solaris9 with gcc

I can't configure radius freeradius-1.0.0-pre3 (also pre2 and pre1)

I start with the command

./configure --with-openssl-includes=/usr/local/ssl/include --with-openssl-libraries=/usr/local/ssl/lib

and get the error

checking for openssl/err.h... (cached) yes
checking for openssl/engine.h... (cached) yes
configure: warning: silently not building rlm_eap_sim.
configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_eap_sim requires:  libssl.

but I have the libssl in

bash-2.05# ls -l /usr/local/ssl/lib
total 4466
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other    1949856 Jun 16 10:12 libcrypto.a
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other     304440 Jun 16 10:12 libssl.a
drw-r--r--   2 root     other        512 Oct  9  2003 pkgconfig

I just compiled the last version of the openssl, but this don't help me.

What I do wrong?


Victor Belous

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