No, i did not overlook that. According to the FAQ, that is only suppose to be used if 
Freeradius is set up to use the flat user file, if i'm correct. In my case, i'm using 
the MySql setup.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "apellido jr., wilfredo p." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu, 24 Jun 2004 10:38:57 +0800

>If your reading Freeradius FAQ, probabbly you were overlook of using Type-Auth := 
>Reject. Which simply rejecting the user instead of changing user/s password.
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: Linda Pagillo 
>  Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 10:39 PM
>  Subject: Suspending Users
>  Previously i posted this inquiry a few days ago and no one has replyed. I'm posting 
> it again incase you all missed it.
>  I have a quick questions. I was reading the FAQ and i saw the instructions for 
> rejecting users from authenticating when their account is suspended etc.. but from 
> what i see, the instructions in the FAQ are for people using the "users" file for 
> authentication. I have set my freeradius to use mysql
>  instead of the users file. Does anyone know what i need to do to reject users in 
> this case? Thank you.
>  This is the reply that one of you gave to me:
>  If you just want "suspended", then I would add a column suspended and edit the sql 
> query in sql.conf. If you need more complex checking that can't be done with sql 
> queries, then you might look at the exec or perl modules to execute external scripts.
>  Ok, here is exactly what i need --  The only reason i would want to prevent a user 
> from logging on would be because they did not pay their bill. All i want to do is 
> make it so that they can't log on to the internet. The above post states that i need 
> to "add a column called "suspended" and edit the sql query in sql.conf." Here are my 
> 2 questions.. in which mysql table do i need to add the column? And what do i need 
> to edit in the sql.conf file? Thank you.
>  Linda Pagillo
>  Director of Technical Services
>  N2 The Net

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