Mike Sturdee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to use sql for the Simultaneous-Use check. I am seeing that 
> the NAS-IP-Address is being resolved in some places, and used as IP in 
> others. (I am thinking it should stay IP regardless).

  Hmm... all of the printing of IP addresses should go through one
routine, which should obey the "hostname_lookups" configuration entry.

  Can you say *which* lookups return addresses, and which return names?

> In some places thoughout the config, the NAS-IP-Address is an IP address, 
> and in other places it is a hostname.

  What "config"?  There's a lot of configuration things in the server.

  Hostnames in "clients.conf" or "proxy.conf" shouldn't matter, as
they don't affect the NAS-IP-Address attribute.

> I do have hostname_lookups = yes, but this should still not affect an IP 
> variable (ie: remote_addr vs. remote_host).

  Uh, no.  It's *intended* to affect the printing of "ipaddr"
attributes, and not much else.

  Alan DeKok.

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