To whomever this may concern:

I am working on a bit of perl that will take the Log File and insert it into
a database in real-time. For future versions of this, it would be great if
the records used something unique to split the parts of the entry. This
particular record was particularly frustrating:

Fri Jul 30 09:19:26 2004 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect to

If I try to Split on the ":", I split on the time as well as at the end on
/radius when I don't need to.
If I use " ", not all entries have the information in the same field number:

Fri Jul 30 09:19:26 2004 : Info: rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL
server for #0

This record has one less field before the actual message is given, than the
previous record given. 
Just a thought for the future, if something unique, like | was used.

Anson Rinesmith

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