
I try use eap_tls with freeradius, wpa_supplicant and legitime 
certificates (not CA.pl samples and whatever passwords). 
My certificate chain have: CA->RA->user_certificate, so
Of corse, I have private key (and password ) only for user_certificate

In my eap config file have:
CA_file = CA.pem
private_key_file and certificate file = user_certificate.pem
and private_key_password = correct key 
(I thinking I don't need use RA certificate) 

The same in wpa_supplicant.conf

But it don't works:


rlm_eap_tls:  <<< TLS 10 Alert [ length 0002], fata unknown_ca
TLS_accept: failed in SSLv3 read client certificate A 
[Other similar errors] 

Any hints? 

Thanks for your time,

./nelson -murilo

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