On 23 Sep 2004 at 10:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm trying to use freeradius to connect users to a private network or to
> Internet through an AP of a Wireless LAN. A user gets an account for private
> network connection or Internet connection. Internet is ok, but I tried different
> ways to make him having a private network connection (and just that) and it
> doesn't work because there's an AP between the user and Radius cabled LAN. Any
> ideas?

Does it work if they have a general Internet connection, and then you try the 
private connection?

Depending on the AP you're using, and the network topology, you may also be 
able to run the access point as a bridge. (Thus, it'll just be a fancy media 
converter, and wireless clients should be functionally identical to wired 
clients.) You can't do this with most cheap APs (Linksys, DLink, anything else 
you'll find at Best Buy), but slightly higher-end radio gear (StarOS, old 
Lucent/Karlnet gear, maybe Mikrotik) won't even blink at the request. The 
biggest downside to this is that it's another piece of hardware you have to buy 
(this could be done for around $300 US) and another piece of software you have 
to learn how to configure.

David Smith

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