Thanks for advice but in radiusd.conf I wrote:

user root
group root

and radiusd runs as root or that is not enough.
I tried running simple script and it works, but 
when I change the script with the one that makes
shaping then nothing hapens. 
Forgive me but I didn't understand how to use wraper.
Can you tell me how to do it.

Thanks in advance.
Ivo Petrov

--- Paul Hampson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 at 02:22:17AM -0700, Ivo Petrov
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'm trying to shape ppp+ interfaces after
> successful
> > authentication using Exec-Program. radiusd runs as
> > root,
> > in mysql radreply table the last row for the user
> > contains: Exec-Program = '/etc/ppp/shd %f'.
> Freeradius
> > version is 1.0.1,MySQL 4.0.21, Slackware 10, pptpd
> > 1.2.1, iproute2(ip, tc).
> > When user connects to the pptpd everythink is OK,
> link
> > goes up, but the ppp interface is not shaped. If I
> run
> > shaping script outside the radius it works. In
> > radius.log the stage of executing the script is
> noted
> > with correctly transfered value of attribute %f,
> > script is owned by root(same as radiusd), there
> isnn't
> > an error of any kind, but this automation doesn't
> > work. 
> radiusd may be owned by root, but FreeRADIUS may be
> set
> to drop permissions.
> I'd suggest a wrapper script that logs calls so you
> can
> see what's happening or not happening.
> > Can anyone tell me where could the mistake or my
> > misunderstanding in implementing Exec-Program
> > attribute.
> -- 
> Paul "TBBle" Hampson, on an alternate email client.
> - 
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