On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Ron Wahler wrote:

It seems that one of our customers has a database in which it does Have duplicate users names, they were asking the following question:

"Would also like to know how LDAP handles duplicate user names (if the
baseDN was set to O=ACME instead of OU=Users,O=ACME)"

If the basedn Is at the higher level there may be duplicates.

Do you mean that there may be:

uid=user,o=acme and uid=user,ou=users,o=acme ?

If that is the case the solution is simple:

ldap ldap1{
        basedn = "o=acme"
        scope = "one"
ldap ldap2{
        basedn = "ou=users,o=acme"
        scope = "sub"



The only problem is that a scope directive does not exist yet. Adding one will not be hard though if it is needed. If that is what is needed please open a bug request in bugs.freeradius.org.

-- Kostas Kalevras Network Operations Center [EMAIL PROTECTED] National Technical University of Athens, Greece Work Phone: +30 210 7721861 'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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