Im testing the expiration attribute in a freeradius 1.0.1 + mysql instalation.
I have a user with the following attributes:

mysql> select * from radcheck;
| id | UserName | Attribute  | op | Value               |
|  1 | demo     | Password   | == | demo                |
| 15 | demo     | Expiration | == | 2004-11-12 13:59:04 |

Who is already able to login, but the Expiration attribute is ignored, given 
that demo can access, no matter the value of Expiration.

I ran radiusd -X, and in the log I see the queries for the user, but I never 
see that radius check or retrieves the Expiration attribute. 

To enable sql, I only uncommented "sql" in the authorize{} and accounting{} 
sections of radiusd.conf.

Any idea of what can be wrong? Am I missing some option? Is the format of 
Expiration ok? I also tried with value "8 Oct 2003", but didn't work.
What is the correct way of setting expiration dates for users?


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