> Michael Markstaller wrote:
> >
> > I feel uncomfortable with something happening with logging occured.
> > When talking about auth this might be ok, for acct it is definitely not.
> > My opinion is: waht couldn't get logged shouldn't happen and when
> > replying before *trying* to log this cannot be garuateed. performance
> > shouldn't affect interity.. just my two cents ;)
> Yes and no. I wasn't actually thinking about the accounting part, the initial
> discussion buried somewhere in the earlier messages was about authentication,
> where this works.
> But since you brought this up, I would argue that this is not so cut and dried
> as you put it. There are situations where performance takes precedence over
> accounting.

Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents on this.  According to the radius
accounting RFC, you should only send an accounting response when the data
has been received AND successfully recorded.

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