On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 02:19:11PM -0200, Luiz Gustavo Anflor Pereira wrote:
> hello all
> I have a problema concerning radutmp.

> Here is the situation:

> The command " radwho | grep 7969 " gives me the output:
> rsf7969    rsf7969           PPP   >999 Fri 16:20 200.96.10

> If i use the option "-r", so "radwho -r | grep 7969", the output is:
> rsf7969,rsf7969,PPP,S-2145975988,Fri 16:20,,

I vaugely remember there's some problem with radutmp and the large port
numbers you're getting... A signedness issue, which I thought I'd fixed
in CVS, but I ended up dropping rlm_unix due to other radutmp problems,
but I'm thinking about trying to reimplement it. ^_^

What version of FreeRADIUS are you using?

*Checks CVS logs* Whoops, guess I never comitted that. >_<

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark, and guess that the records are not
being deleted because the Accounting Session ID you're getting is too
long for the session_id field in radutmp... See FreeRADIUS bug 62 at

By some chance, are you receiving RADIUS packets from an ERX?

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, on an alternate email client.

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