Joe Mailander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Problem is,  to add an additional MAC address I have to add another entry 
> into the SQL database (handles the authorization part) and add an entry 
> into the users file (handles the authentication part),

  Why?  You can add both entries into the SQL database.

  I don't see why what you're adding to the "users" file is *required*
to be in the "users" file.

> The docs say "sql" isn't an authentication option.  Can I just turn off all 
> the authentication methods in radiusd.conf and rely on the authorization 
> pass/fail, and eliminate that whole part of the process?

  That's what "Auth-Type := Accept" is for.

> Again, as things stand I have to maintain the very same info in two
> different locations, SQL and users, and that seems !bueno.

  What information?  Please post examples, with explanations as to why
you think it has to be maintained in two different places.

   Alan DeKok.

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