John McKinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps a silly question, but if I wanted to allow ftp access to an nfs 
> mounted partition for authenticated users only, will this work? Meaning 
> the users do not have a local account, the radius client is on the local 
> machine and the radius server is a different machine. I understand that 
> they will be authenticated, but how about the env stuff? (permissions, 
> home directory, uid, gid)

  That can't be done with RADIUS until the client is updated.  And
controlling access once they're authenticated is outside of the scope
of RADIUS, too.

> With our current setup, we have a freeradius server running to 
> authenticate dialup users and then scp the password file to a different 
> computer for public_html.
> FYI, thanks everyone for the freeradius project, we started using it at 
> version .3 and at version .7 we got rid a livingston radius completely. No 
> regrets only praises.

  You're welcome.

  Alan DeKok.

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