On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Costas Christonis wrote:

> GC> Hello,
> GC> Costas Christonis wrote:
> >> Hi to all,
> >> i'm trying to set the telnet access to my users through radius and ldap 
> >> server.
> >> What i did untill now is that everyone tha has the attribute
> >> "Service-type" with the value "exec-user" can telnet to my cisco
> >> switches and routers in privilege level 5.
> >> I insert the attribute "Ciscoavpair" with the value
> >> "exec:priv-lvl=0" or with the value "exec:privilege-level=0" but
> >> nothing happens, everyone can telnet to my switches and logon
> >> privilege level 5.
> GC> It's called Cisco-AVPair not CiscoAVPair.
> >> Can anyone help me?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Best regards
> GC> Best Regards,
> Yes that's correct but in LDAP the attribut is radiusciscovapair anyway
> is that right? so i don't think tha the problem is that...

do you have ldap.attrmap setup to map Cisco-AVPAir to radiusciscovapair as
a reply item?

What are you actually sending back in your reply?  Radiusd -X will show
you that.

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