Pe 27 Jan 2005, la 03:13, Graeme Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a scris:

>Siderite wrote:
>>  Hello... I am trying to make freeradius authenticate some access
>>packets using the output of SQL stored procedures (that eventually would
>>do the billing as well). Can it be done? And if yes, how?
>>   thank you
>Give an example of what you're trying to do. 

  Well, I was thinking of something like putting in the radcheck table the 
result of a pgsql procedure. like:
username=USER,attribute=%{pgsql_stored procedure output},op='>',value=0

  Can it be done?

>For users with accounts based upon time (ie they pay for 5 hours, and 
>use 1, there's 4 remaining) I use a trigger to update their unique 
>Session-Timeout in the radreply table.  But you still could use a direct 
>function call from freeradius by modifying the statement in 
>postgresql.conf (as I have done for the simultaneous sessions)
I don't know what triggers are. yet :) I will research this avenue. Thank you 
for your reply.


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