Take a look at Dialupadmin that's bundled with the freradius server. 
Should do that if setup correctly.

Sebastian Wild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello list,

I've just joined in here. My name is Sebastian and I am from Germany. I
work as adminstrator at an ISP and I also am a maintainer of a private
wlan project called wlan-r.
Now wlan-r uses chillispot to authenticate wireless users on hotspots
via freeradius against mysql and it works fine.
Recently I've seen that it is possible to get info about which users are
currently online on wlan. Since that was not on a hotspot but on a
website somewhere at the net I am thinking that it used a feature of the
freeradius server. Now it would be very interesting to know how to get
the info about which users are currently online out of free radius.
Does anyone know how to do that?

greets from snowy regensburg, GER

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Julius Igugu
SouthWork Co. Ltd.

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