
I'm trying to proxy just the tunneled part of my PEAP authentication.

The user is to log in as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". The tunnel is decoded
locally and then the tunneled authentication is proxied to a remote

I've added the following lines to the users file to configure this:

# Proxy just the tunnel
DEFAULT    EAP-Type == MS-CHAP-V2, Auth-Type := EAP, Proxy-To-Realm := mydomain

# Decode the tunnel localy
DEFAULT    Realm == "mydomain", Proxy-To-Realm := LOCAL, Auth-Type := EAP

This does not work. Even though the debug output says it will proxy the request
to "mydomain" it then goes on to say "Cancelling proxy to Realm LOCAL,
as the Realm is local" even though Proxy-To-Realm := mydomain is
present in the config items.

Is this a bug or have I mis-configured it some how? It looks to me as
though it is reading the config items outside the tunnel rather than
the ones inside. I have attached the log file.


Attachment: radius.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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