> > wether setting
> > an Expiration attribute in radcheck normally implies a Session-Timeout
> > to be added to the access-accept messages, or not.
>   Yes.
>   If it doesn't work in SQL, try it in the "users" file.

Thank you for answer. I tried with the "users" file and got the same
behavior as with the DB. Here's the entry for a user in the "users"
file :

"Fred"  Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "hello2", Expiration :=
"1 Apr 2005 23:59:00"
        Reply-Message = "Hello %u"

The Expiration attribute is used, as I get an access-reject if I set
it to any past date. But in the case the Expiration date is not past,
I still get an access-accept (ok) with no Session-Timeout (not ok).
The reply message is ok : "Hello fred".

Il also tried with == in place of :=, it didn't work better.

I disabled SQL authorization, and use PAP for authentication. Here's
the ouptut of the server for a simple authentication request :

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=54, length=44
        User-Name = "Fred"
        User-Password = "hello2"
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 2
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 2
    users: Matched Fred at 94
radius_xlat:  'Hello Fred'
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 2
modcall: group authorize returns ok for request 2
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type Local
auth: type Local
auth: user supplied User-Password matches local User-Password
radius_xlat:  'Hello Fred'
Login OK: [Fred] (from client private-network-1 port 0)
Sending Access-Accept of id 54 to
        Reply-Message = "Hello Fred"
Finished request 2

I read all the doc I found (mostly, in the
/usr/local/share/freeradius-1.0.2/doc/ directory, freradius website, a
few articles and the mailing list) about attributes, variables,
operators, processing of config files and so on, but couldn't find
precisely how Expiration is used by the server. Is there a doc file I
would have missed ? Would it be useful to read the developpers'
mailing list ?



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