Exactly, what I meant by client is NAS not PC. You are not the one confused, it is more likely that I'm speaking gibberish. If my server receives the (all!) attributes from any NAS in the request then problem solved. But, the request piece in the debugger is so small, I had a doubt that I couldn't see all attributes in there, but if you say so...

Enormous thanks!


Michael Mitchell wrote:

Maybe I'm just really confused, but the attributes that the client has "set" are the ones that the server receives in the request...

Maybe you need to define what you mean by client...

A "client" is something that sends RADIUS requests to a radius server, eg a Network Access Server (NAS) of some sort.

If by "client" you mean for example a PC that is using a modem to dial up to a network, then the answer is "it doesn't set any attributes". It may however supply some values (like a username and password) that the NAS will populate some RADIUS attributes with.

Mike (same Mike, different email address ;-) )

vicky wrote:

Mitchell (and all the rest),

Thanks for your answer but what I meant was : Of all freeRADIUS attributes that exists, I want to know exactly witch once the "client" (the one on the other side who is trying to connect to my server) has set (configured) and to which value.

Is this feasible?

Thanks again,


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-- Vicky El Fhaily Integration Manager

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