>Hi, i just upgraded my AAA server from redhat 7.3 / freeradius 0.9-pre to
Gentoo / Freeradius 1.0.1.
> have a perl script that adds some cisco vsa attributes to the reply item
via Exec-Program-Wait,  using simple print statements to STDOUT ,  with the
new versions, 
> freeradius dont add these items, i see the output from  the perl script in
debug mode, but freeradius doesnt add them to the access reply. the settings
is radius.conf are the >same of the 0.9 version, in fact, is the same file,
(cisco csa hack, etc)

>What has changed from the last version ?

BTW, this is the debug

radius_xlat:  '/usr/local/pgsql/bin/calcula_tiempo.pl'
Exec-Program: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/calcula_tiempo.pl
Exec-Program output: h323-credit-time = "h323-credit-time=29988"
h323-return-code = "h323-return-code=0"
Exec-Program-Wait: plaintext: h323-credit-time = "h323-credit-time=29988"
h323-return-code = "h323-return-code=0"
Exec-Program: returned: 0
Login OK: [2237162] (from client private-network port 0 cli 2237192)
Sending Access-Accept of id 1 to
        h323-credit-amount = "h323-credit-amount=99.96"
        h323-prompt-id = "h323-prompt-id=1330"
Finished request 0


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