Alan DeKok wrote:

  You can always have a shell script do the authentication for you.
It can run ntlm_auth, and if that returns "notfound", it can then run
"radclient" to send the request to another RADIUS server.  It's ugly,
but it will work.

Actually that would be very sraightforward for me. But how do I arrange for FreeRADIUS to run a shell script for authentication, and how does the script receive the parameters and so on that will need to be passed to radclient? and finally, how does the script convey the outcome to FreeRADIUS?

I've done some googling this morning and I'm not finding much discussion of this or any HOWTOs on the subject (of course I could be suffering from the usual "if you knew the answer you'd know what keywords to search for" problem). Also haven't found it in the doc folder.


Thomas Boutell
Boutell.Com, Inc.

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