I am encountering a problem on 1 of my radius servers (not any of the others). Every so often it hangs and quits responding to requests. FreeBSD 5.3. ps shows a status of TLs which means its waiting for a lock. There is no way to kill the process and ktrace shows absolutely nothing over many requests that timeout. The only way to restart it is a reboot. I do know that one of the memory boards is likely to be defective. I suspect that this is the cause of the problem. FreeBSD reports less memory on that board that is marked on the board itself. I don't recall the exact numbers but its not a multiple of 2. I won't be on site till Friday so won't be able to put in new memory till then. Does my assumption appear valid? - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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