On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Shelbyville.Unwired wrote:

> I would like to check group membership before authenticating user
> login requests.
> I currently have radiusd.conf setup such that all users can login.
> However after spending several days reading man pages, and searching
> these archives I haven't found the key that unlocks my problem.
> radiusd.conf
> # <snip>
> ldap {
>      server = "xx.xx.xx.xx" # ad server address
>      identity = "cn=some_user,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com" # bind account
>      password = "xxx" # bind account password
>      basedn = "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com" # base dn
>      filter = "(sAMAccountName=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})" # uid
>      start_tls = no # nope
>      dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap # default
>      ldap_connections_number = 5 # why not
>      password_attribute = userPassword # no need to explain
> # ok this is where things get real fuzzy - I've read rlm_ldap several times...
>      timeout = 4
>      timelimit = 3
>      net_timeout = 1
> }
> Users file remains untouched.
> Specifically what else do I need to if a user is a member of XYZ_group
> and if so authenticate them.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. TYIA.

You will define where to search for group memberships in that section
above.  You left out the configs above.  Look for groupname_attribute,
groupmembership_filter and groupmembership_attribute.  Configure those for
how you have groups setup.

Then in users file you can define to check for group membership.


DEFAULT  Huntgroup-Name == dial, Ldap-Group == dial

DEFAULT  Huntgroup-Name == adsl, Ldap-Group == adsl

DEFAULT  Auth-Type := Reject

That says must have dial group if the request comes from a NAS in the dial
huntgroup, must have adsl from an adsl nas, otherwise reject.

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