sean wrote:
> The NAS is a Linksys WRT-54G running DD-WRT firmware. I have made no
> changes to the NAS configuration and up to a while ago the radacct
> file
> was being updated. I suspect that the problem is either in
> radiued.conf,
> sql.conf or the MySQL access rights. I have noticed that by inserting
> sql in the post-auth section of radiusd.conf it updates the
> radpostauth
> part of the database. Is there a part of radiusd.conf that needs to be
> changed to do the the same for radacct?
> Below is the output when Radius starts up. I'm sorry to fill the post
> with so much info but if you look at the SQL part of the startup it
> seems OK. Can you spot anything wrong?

Again... sending the debug output of an ACCOUNTING packet might help.
Since you're not doing that, I assume the accounting packets never arrive at
the radius server.
Do a tcpdump on your radius server to verify that accounting packets are
actually coming in!

Groeten, Regards, Salutations,

Thor Spruyt
M: +32 (0)475 67 22 65

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