"Ashwin Gobind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Radiator required a valid Authenticator to be part of the Accouning
> Request.

  A Message-Authenticator?  I doubt that VERY much.  Radiator works
with multiple RADIUS implementations, very few of which send
Message-Authenticator in Accounting-Request.

>  I am proxying from freeradius to radiator.  How can this be
> resolved ?

  a) Patch Radiator so that it doesn't require a Message-Authenticator.

  b) Patch FreeRADIUS to create the *non-standard* Message-Authenticator
that Radiator expects.

  For (b), you will have to find out what algorithm Radiator uses to
calculate Message-Authenticator.  Since it's non-standard, you wil l
have to ask the Radiator people how they did it.

  Alan DEKok.

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