On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Alan DeKok wrote:

"Christian Meutes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
are there any new findings in context to the problem with
FreeRADIUS(rlm_sql_mysql?) > 1.0.4 under FreeBSD?
I have just tested it with FreeBSD5.4-Release and FreeRADIUS out of the ports
and the problem still exists:

 I don't have access to a FreeBSD box, so I can't track down the

 I did have access to one for a while, and found a bug which is fixed
in 1.0.5.  That *should* have fixed the problem, but it appears to
still be there.

 Alan DeKok.

Just an FYI. I just put into production late last night, two freeradius 1.0.5 servers running on freebsd 5.4, which are using rlm_mysql. They are setup only as accounting servers. I have all my other radius servers sending the accounting data over to them.

I have not seen any issues in my testing in the lab or today in production with these machines. I will be setting up another instance of it in our lab next week to mirror production, so if I run into any problems I'll let you all know and maybe I can get Alan or whomever temporary access to that machine to check it out. But so far, I just haven't seen any problems.

-Dusty Doris

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