Abdul Lateef wrote:

> We have very big voip traffic, and currently we were
> using mysql DB with the following server
> configurations, But we are getting lot of problems
> some time the devise are failed, some time the
> database is slow…. Etc.

I don't think that buying expensive hardware is a long term solution.
You don't describe what the problems are, as there're different cases.

1. If you have problems with authorize queries, try using the MySQL
replication to share the load between several slaves. The auth queries
are read-only, therefore it doesn't matter to run these queries on the
slave databases.


2. If you have problems with accouting queries, try using the module
rlm_sql_log and the script radsqlrelay. Acct queries are buffered and
inserted to the database according to the server capabilities.


Nicolas Baradakis

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