> > Shouldn't the := operator in "user" replace the User-Name = "anonymous",
> > or it doesn't because files is before sql in the authorize section, and
> > my users are in the MySQL database?
>   Yes, and it shouldn't matter that the users are in SQL.
>   I suspect that something else is adding the "anonymous" username in
> the reply.  The EAP module does this, but it checks to see if a
> User-name already exists.  If so, it doesn't copy it.

I changed User-Name := `testtest`, in "users" and this is what I got:

Sending Access-Accept of id 88 to
        User-Name := "testtest"
        User-Name := "testtest"
        Idle-Timeout := 300

Which, I guess, means it's the files module that adds the User-Name twice.. or 

Anyway, the Accounting-Request I got still had User-Name = "anonymous",
so I'll need to solve that first I guess..

damjan | дамјан
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