Frank Bonnet wrote:


I have a chillispot that works with OpenLDAP
on a Debian box

Strictly the same thing I want to achieve indeed ! ;-)
How are your password in your LDAP ? (clear ? hash form ?)

Moreover, except this configuration of the ldap remote server, what did you put in authorize and authentificate section ? What did you put in the ldap.attrmap, only the mapping of the user password ?

I must admit I am loosing my common sense here :-)

here are the modifications in radiusd.conf I wrote

# Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
        #  This module definition allows you to use LDAP for
        #  authorization and authentication (Auth-Type := LDAP)
        #  See doc/rlm_ldap for description of configuration options
        #  and sample authorize{} and authenticate{} blocks
        ldap {
                server = "your.ldap.server"
                basedn = "ou=Person,dc=domain,dc="
                #filter = "(posixAccount)(uid=%u))"
                filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"
                # base_filter = "(objectclass=radiusprofile)"
                access_attr = "uid"

                # Mapping of RADIUS dictionary attributes to LDAP
                # directory attributes.
                dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
                ldap_connections_number = 5

hope this helps

Christophe Gravier
Laboratoire DIOM, groupe SATIn - Doctorant
ISTASE - Ingénieur d'études
Tel : 04 7748 5034
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