Maybe my last question was unclear this morning.
Therefore I would like to rephrase it:

Checkitems may be defined via ldap.attrmap e.g. like:

checkItem       User-Category                   primaryGroupID

Those items,  retrieved from an ldapserver and thus not part of the request:
Are they  supposed to be accessible by following modules?

In a case like this in radiusd.conf:

authorize { ldap { notfound = return } files  }

Should the files module have access to to a check item User-Category ?

I'm not sure, I've never tried that before, but I don't believe you can. I think you'd need to use xlat for that. Grep for xlat in doc/rlm_ldap.

You could certainly use that ldap attribute as an Ldap-Group item, if you are going to be keying off of it a lot.

in radiusd.conf

groupmembership_attribute = "primaryGroupID"

Then in the users file

DEFAULT Ldap-Group != "xxx", Auth-Type := Reject

 or something like that.

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