> > and looking at the source of rlm_files.c, check_pairs is config_items.
> > It's a bit confusing to use different words for the same thing.
>   So submit patches.  This isn't a commerical product where people get
> paid money to do copy editing, so you have to expect some level of
> problems.
>   And I'll be honest, people who complain about free software really
> *do* have the choice of paying for commercial software, with fancy
> copy-edited documentation.  No one here is getting paid to listen to
> complaints about how crappy the product is.

I didn't complain, and I'm willing to submit patches to the documentation,
(actually I've done some simple editing in the WiKi).

Of course I don't have the knowledge you have about freeradius, so I
still have to ask you (or some other of the knowledgeable people here) :)

Anyway, freeradius is great software (never said it was crappy), keep up
the good work.

damjan | дамјан
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