On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 18:42 -0500, Alan DeKok wrote:
> "Paul Khavkine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The server is running as root, core dumps are allowed in the config, it
> > crashes with either signal 6 or signal 11 when running with -x or -xx,
> > does not crash when running -X
>   Ah... your OS may not support threaded core dumps.  Yuck.
>   It sounds like a thread problem to me, but I don't know why.  What
> OS are you using?  What version of FreeRADIUS?  Where is it core
> dumping?  Can you run freeradius under "gdb"?

Afte a few days investgation it seems like a threading problem on
FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE and 6.0-RELEASE.

The problem can be reproduced when:

1) running FreeRADIUS 1.0.5
2) running SMP kernel
3) radiusd is linked against libpthread
4) Using start_tls with LDAP

Under 5.4-RELASE the process will die with an Abort trap and not dump
core when linked against libpthread. If radiusd is linked against
libthr (1:1 threading library) it simply jams and stops responding
but does not terminate. Killing it with signal 9 or 6 does not produce
a core dump.
When run inside gdb it crashes gdb and DOES produce gdb.core, but
gdb.core is useless since gdb is not compiled with -g

Under 6.0-RELEASE when linked against libpthread, the result is the same
as 5.4-RELEASE

When linked against libthr it does not crash and has passed my stress
test with flying colors.

Both FreeBSD releases seems to have no problem with UP kernel and

I'm going to a a longer stress test to see if indeed FreeBSD
6.0/SMP/libthr is stable.


>   Alan DeKok.
> - 
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