Dear all,
The user gets logged out exactly after the time set in Session Time

But I am trying to create package like 4hours per day, 2 hours
If I put 4hours in Session time and after using 3 hours , if he
disconnects and then reconnects, he can again use 4 hours.  
Is there a way that he can no more log in after he uses 4 hours/day ?

Thanking you all,

Rupesh Amatya

-------- Original Message --------

==> From: Lewis Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
==> Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 08:38:33 -0600

Dear all, 
I am using Freeradius(with mysql as database for users ) with
as NAS. This for PPPOE users. I used Dialup Admin to manage
 There is default package of 4hours/day but the users do not get >
disconnect after 4 hours. It just shows " Out of Quota". What needs >
to be done to automatically disconnect user after the daily quota is
finished ?


 There a few session attrbutes you could use for this.
is the first one that springs to mind. I don't know if the client
pay attention to it though.

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