Alan DeKok wrote:
>   You appear to have two independent requirements:
>   1) port 1645 versus 1812 checks
>   2) allowing only known users
>   The first can be solved by what you have.  The second can be solved
> by putting all of the known users into a group (see rlm_passwd).
> Then, in the "users" file, do:
> DEFAULT My-Group != "known", Auth-Type := Reject
> DEFAULT  Auth-Type:=Accept, Huntgroup-Name=="Office", Hint==Port-1812
>         Connect-Info="OFFICE_NET"
> DEFAULT  Huntgroup-Name=="Office", Hint==Port-1645, Proxy-To-Realm := PROXY_GW
>       Connect-Info="OFFICE_NET"

That will work for the simple case I provided, but my users file is actually a
bit more complicated.  There are multiple NAS-IP-Address and/or Huntgroups
available, and not all users have access to all of them.  The only thing
guaranteed is that any user who *has* an entry actually has two, one with a
Hint==Port-1645 and the other with Hint--Port-1812.

Perhaps a better users file example would be:

user01  Auth-Type:=Accept, NAS-IP-Address==, Hint==Port-1812
user01  Auth-Type:=Accept, NAS-IP-Address==, Hint==Port-1812
user01  NAS-IP-Address==, Hint==Port-1645, Proxy-To-Realm:=PROXY_GW
user02  Auth-Type:=Accept, NAS-IP-Address==, Hint==Port-1812
user03  NAS-IP-Address==, Hint==Port-1645, Proxy-To-Realm:=PROXY_GW

Additionally, none of these folks have (or can have) /etc/passwd accounts on
this system, so I'm not sure that rlm_passwd will work for me necessarily
(plus, we're back to the "not every user has access to every NAS/Huntgroup"

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