> -----Original Message-----
>  Alan DeKok wrote:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 4:17 PM
> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
> Subject: Re: incorrect radacct AcctSessionTime 
> > From time to time I see entries in the radacct 
> AcctSessionTime column 
> > with over 1 billion seconds, despite that the StopTime 
> minus StartTime 
> > is less than 5 seconds.
> > I presume that the NAS (wrt54g with Chillispot) is sending the 
> > incorrect information ...
> > Is this correct?
>   Maybe.  See the SQL queries.  If the NAS is sending 
> Acct-Session-Time, that goes into the column.  If it doesn't 
> send Acct-Session-Time, then the session time is calculated 
> based on the local system time, and other info.

Yes, it is in the SQL queries and as far as I understand Chillispot is
sending the Acct-Session-Time.
It only seems to happen with MAC authenticated addresses (macallowed). Looks
still like
a Chillispot problem. But it could help to actually subtract AcctStopTime -
to get the AcctSessionTime.

>   It looks to me like the clocks on your NAS and the RADIUS 
> server may be quite a ways off from each other.

Not sure if I can  change that at all. The wrt54G & Chillispot box does not
always set the time
correct. If there is no Internet connection at boottime to synchronize with
a time server, it is
using some very old time. But that is not the case here as the unit was on
the 'right local time',
while the server runs on GMT.


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