I have looked at the radius.log file and continue to get this:


Thu Mar 23 12:47:48 2006 : Auth: rlm_unix: [atkinsd]: invalid password


But I have it in radcheck and can prove it.


Does anyone know what is going on?


Thanks for all your help.  Getting frustrated and even time off of this didn’t help.




From: Atkins, Dwane P
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:24 AM
To: 'freeradius-users@lists.freeradius.org'
Subject: RADTEST


I cannot get the radtest to work and this seems to be an integral part of continuing.  I can now do a mysql –u radius –p radius and get into mysql.  Resetting the password and FLUS PRIVILEGES helped there.


I have created a user, atkinsd, on the radius database in radcheck.  


If I do a radtest atkinsd cisco123 localhost 1645 SHARED, I still get the same error.  Why?  


[EMAIL PROTECTED] raddb]# radtest atkinsd cisco123 localhost 1812 xxxxx (I have tried both 1645 and 1812 with no luck)

Sending Access-Request of id 225 to port 1812

        User-Name = "atkinsd"

        User-Password = "cisco123"

        NAS-IP-Address =

        NAS-Port = 1812

Re-sending Access-Request of id 225 to port 1812

        User-Name = "atkinsd"

        User-Password = "cisco123"

        NAS-IP-Address =

        NAS-Port = 1812

rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=225, length=20

rad_decode: Received Access-Reject packet from client port 1812 with invalid signature (err=2)!  (Shared secret is incorrect.)


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