Sorry, I can't understand it....
If we want to look first if a WISP has enough prepaid, is not the more consistent way to look into our local MySQL and reject or forward the petition in the pre-proxy stage?

It's innecessary forward the petition (in order to accept or reject from the reply) if we then concern about the roamed WISP hasn't qouta! We want to save network resources...

We are trying to put rlm_exec in pre-proxy, executing a script which looks if the domain has quota, and if so, returns 0; if not, returns 1 to cause the reject by the proxy. Is it a good solution, isn't?

Thank for your interest in this so much, really Alan...

From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: FreeRadius users mailing list <>
To: FreeRadius users mailing list <>
Subject: Re: pre-proxy programme Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:48:42 -0400

"Mark Supersonik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please, look at the fact that we speak about DOMAINS quota, but not users
> quota.

  That doesn't really matter.

  You made it clear you're trying to cancel the proxy decision AFTER
you made it.  That's what's causing the problem.  My comments were
trying to get you to NOT make the proxy decision in the first place.

> The roaming users are authenticated by the authserv oh his domain (WISP). > So, apart from the users quota (which doesn't affect us because the remote
> authserv does this work for us), there is a WISP quota, WISPs prepay to
> proxy a volume of resources, and we, the setlement part (proxy), must
> detemrine if before all want to permite this authorization

  That changes nothing of what I said.  My solution still applies.

  My solution was based on general design principles, not on knowing
the detail of who has what quota.  As a result, my solution works in
many situations, whereas other solutions may not.

  Alan DeKok.
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