You are right, it was that I was lowercasing the username before 
After I turned that off, I am getting further, it still doesn't work and I 
believe it is because of a problem with "Stripped-User-Name" and ntlm_auth

ntlm_auth is getting called with the entire username "DOMAIN\user" and not 
"user" I don't understand why, as in the config file it says:

I didn't edit that part of the ntlm_auth line, just corrected the path..
I know this is a problem because when I use ntlm_auth from the command line I 
can't use --username=DOMAIN\user I have to use --username=user

I hacked up the line to just say %{Stripped-User-Name} but that value must be 
null or something, because then ntlm_auth gets called with "--username="

Any thoughts as to why I can't get the DOMAIN\ stripped when calling ntlm_auth


Chris Liles
System Analyst
Air2Web, Inc.
1230 Peachtree St. N.E.
12th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30309

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of King, Michael
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:39 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: RE: with_ntdomain_hack


> -----Original Message-----
> I can't seem to figure out how to get with_ntdomain_hack set 
> correctly.
> I am trying to get peap going against active directory with winbind.
> It works if I enter in the username and password from the 
> windows supplicant prompt, but when I set the supplicant to 
> send the information automatically it is appending the 
> domain\ onto the username, and I can't get it to work?

I don't think it's the ntdomain hack that is the problem (It should be
on, and I'm only aware of it being located in the radiusd.conf file,
just above the ntlm_auth line

I'd double check that your Samba config is correct.

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