Stefan Winter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Nothing forbidding a NUL here... "servers and clients MUST be able to
>> deal with embedded nulls". A 1-byte string containing just \000 seems
>> perfectly valid to me.
> Did you read what I wrote about "embedded" vs "terminating"? I'm closing this 
> incredibly pointless discussion, don't expect to hear from me again.

Too bad.  I was hoping you would clarify why you think "embedded"
excludes "ending with" and why you think "terminating" equals

BTW, would that mean that "embedded" also excludes "starting with"?

Sorry, I know this may seem like an attempt to start a flame war.
Believe me, it's not.  I truly think you're misinterpreting the RFC,
concluding exactly opposite to the intended meaning.

Stripping NULs off the end of a string is interpreting them as string
terminators.  The RFC forbids this.  It demands that implementations
deal with embedded NULs.  If FreeRADIUS strips any NULs, anywhere in
the string, then FreeRADIUS is violating the RFC.  IMHO.


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