Why don't just rpm -i freeradius-mysql-0.9.3-1.1.i386.rpm ?

Best regards, Leandro.

Jin Fan escreveu:
I am using an older version of freeradius 1.0.2 and Fedora 4.

My way to solve the missing rlm_sql_mysql.so problem is the following.

1.  I download the freeradius-mysql rpm package from this website.

2.  Then I used 7-Zip to extract rlm_sql_mysql.so from the rpm.  There
are two files in the rpm, rlm_sql_mysql-1.0.2.so and rlm_sql_mysql.so.
The second file is the link file to the first file.
3.  Then load the first file into /use/lib/ folder, which contains all
the link library files.  Make a link to the file and name it
rlm_sql_mysql.so.  You also need to use chmod command to change the file

4.  Restart freeradius server and it might run.

You might need to find the correct rpm package for your system.

Jin Fan
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Abul Monsur Mannan
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 8:45 AM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Re: freeradius-mysql rpm

First of all Thank You for your response.

Actuallu I'm using Redhat Linux Enterprise 4 .I've 4 cds.After
installation, I've got Mysql_devel,mysql_client and mysql_server.But I
don't get any rlm_mysql.so file in any directory.

In the meantime, I found the freeradius_mysql rpm from web and want to
install it. But my Q. is where should I install the file.I want your

Please help me out of this problem.
Thank You again.

On 6/19/06, Kofi Adusei Koduah-Sarpong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's on the one of cds I can't remember which one which version are you using? Dvd or cds? Just look through the cds. I actually saw it this week while looking for it to make a package for a cobalt RaQ550 box. It has the mysql rpm too. I'll try see which cd it's on when I get home. Hope this helped

-----Original Message-----
From: Abul Monsur Mannan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 June 2006 14:56
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: freeradius-mysql rpm

Dear FR users

I've an enquiry.Please response.

I'm using RHEL 4.It has no rlm_mysql.so files and I found that it has no freeradius-mysql rpm either.

So, can anyone help me providing the info. that where I find that rpm for redhat linux enterprise 4 to use with freeradius-1.1.2?

I'm looking fr ur response soon.

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Leandro Pereira de Lima e Silva
"A verdadeira medida do caráter de um homem é o que ele faria se soubesse que nunca 
seria descoberto." -- Thomas B. Macaulay

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