Alan DeKok wrote:
"Farhan Karim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
we are facing a continuous problems in free-radius server. It had been
working fine but lately now an error that it generates as we enable
forwarding packets from INFRANET Radius Server to FreeRadius server.

  INFRANET?  What's that?

I believe it's the new and very very stupid name for a Juniper (Funk-based?) product that checks your AV definitions are up to date before letting you through the firewall using either 802.1x or eap-over-udp maybe? With I believe some PEAP extensions. It's probably XML-based. Because, you know, tunnelling XML over EAP over Radius is clearly a good idea.

Wow. Such technology. Who could have imagined it.


If you want a laugh, the marketing literature reads like it was written by someone with severe cognitive problems.

"With VPNs came all kinds of problems! But we solved that with our SSL VPN thing. But then it turned out it wasn't solved! We've solved it again with our even more intrusive and proprietary endpoint posture enforcement policy access control definition gateway thing! Yes, you too can make your PCs sit up straight, and rap them across the knuckles with a ruler if they don't. What's that - are we making all these words and terms up without reference to the existing corpus of the English language? Why yes, we are." - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

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