Damon McDougald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I have read the earlier debug message stating
> failure in mschapv2.

  That is the problem, not the message saying "the authentication was
rejected earlier in the session".

>   I have tried not using mschapv2 and various other configs, but
> with no luck.  I see this is a common issue that many people have
> encoutered but with vague answers and references.

  Nonsense.  The answers are consistent and clear: follow the
documentation and it will work.

  In your case, you didn't tell the server what the *correct* password
was for the user.  So it's impossible to authenticate the user,
because the server has no idea if the password they entered matches
the correct one.

> Has anyone put together an faq that is more descriptive or does
> anyone have a more descriptive answer beside look in the debug
> trace?

  Configure a password for the user, and it WILL work.

  In your case, it matches a "DEFAULT" entry in the users file, which
doesn't have the users password.  And you haven't configured the
server to get the password from a database, either.

  Alan DeKok.
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