Aleksandar Stojilkovic wrote:
Aleksandar Stojilkovic wrote:

My log is full of this kind of errors:

Wed Jul 26 02:55:54 2006 : Error: Discarding duplicate request from client APMajur:2048 - ID: 27 due to unfinished request 11$
Don't post to the list in HTML. Awful HTML at that...

This is normally caused by a slowly-responding database (e.g. SQL, LDAP) or upstream proxy server. Make "the thing" respond quicker. Without more details as to your configuration, we can only guess, but maybe indices on key SQL tables and/or optimising the queries?

Thanks. I suspected so I increased the timeout between requests on my NASes
from 200ms to 600ms. Everything worked fine for 3 days and then again the

That won't solve the problem, and I'm not surprised it came back. You need to speed the backend up, not have the radius server wait longer.

Which computer configuration is recommended for my needs: Freeradius with
Mysql for about 1000 users that connects to network using wireless

Any reasonably modern computer e.g. ~1.6GHz >512Mb ram, reasonably fast disks to support the database, should be able to handle that load. It's likely a slowdown on the MySQL side.

Some possibilities:

 1. Are all your queries on tables which are indexed properly?
2. Are you periodically emptying or archiving old data from the accounting table? Because if not, the time to insert accounting entries will just go up and up as the table grows. - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

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