Alexander Serkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   I know of Oracle installations with 400k users.  And the default
> > schema works with installations of millions of users.
> do you mean 400k active simultaneous connections? And do they use 
> accounting updates (Interim-Update records)?

  There are no simultaneous connections in RADIUS.

  I mean 400k users, many of whom are online at the same time, and
sending accounting updates.

> The table is about 37 million records since april 2005.

  Is it indexed?

  And why do you have a years worth of data available to your RADIUS
server?  It's completely unnecessary.

  You may need a years worth of data available for your billing
software, and long-term records, but those things don't need one
second response time.  Change your tables so that you have "current"
data (i.e. last month or so) available to FreeRADIUS, and leave the
year-old data in another table that the server doesn't use.

  Alan DeKok.
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